Wednesday 6 October 2010

Gamu to be deported

The home office today confirmed that the Nhengu's current application to extend their stay has been rejected. This has to some extent put some finality on the question to whether Gamu will be returning to the X Factor.

An appeal has been made to Government Ministers to review the situation that Gamu Nhengu finds herself in and to get more details from the home office.

There have been some sources that have insinuated that there might still be a suprise this weekend - could it be that we might just see the return of Gamu?

We will keep our ears close to the sources and make sure we wont miss a thing.

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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Gamu - Wildcard or not?

It has been confirmed that Simon Cowell has planned a spescial twist in the current series that will see the return of four 'wildcards'.

Speculation is rife accross all of cyberspace. Everyone is waiting in anticipation to find out who it is going to be.

Since being rejected by Cheryl Cole, Gamu Nhengu supporters have been up in arms demanding her return with more than a 130,000 fans joining the facebook page all now hoping to see her claim her spot in the finals.

Cheryl Cole has suffered a huge public backlash for her choice of three finalists. Putting through Cher Lloyd, Rebecca Ferguson and Katie Waissel. Cheryl has been spotted filming in Tamworth, which is where X Factor judges' house reject Treyc Cohen is from which has caused even more of a stirr all round.

We will just have to wait in anticipation until this Saturday!

Keep your eyes on this spot.
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